Sunday, December 31, 2006

As 2006 ends, Hussein is dead. Where is the US on its Hunt for Osama, Anyway?

Right now would probably be a good time (about 6 years overdue, actually) for the White House to develop a Global Political strategy that considers the other countries in the world as neighbors, rather than audience members. After 9/11/01, when we vowed to “hunt down bin Laden”, seemingly in an effort more to puff out our chests and show action that to do what we actually said, we opted to declare war on…..Iraq and topple Hussein. This is specious logic, picture-perfect hypocrisy at its best. “Look, ma, he did it! Now I’m going to go beat up this other guy, because, well, I don’t know where they guy who hit me is, I’m pissed off, and I don’t like this other one!”

Many Americans in their post 9/11 shock bought the buzzword media spin that was hard crafted to drive this. We had to chase terror, in any form. There could be weapons of mass destruction (as long as we didn’t look at any of our friendly countries or in our own back yard). Oh, and Saddam had committed genocide 25 years ago. We created all kinds of bridges and tunnels to subvert the constitution to meet those ends, in the name of ‘preventing another terror attack’. Any dissenting commentary was termed ‘unpatriotic’. Turns out only the genocide piece of Saddam’s blame points was true, and hey – what about the hunt for Osama, anyway? We’ve not heard a peep about that objective in 3 years. Now we’ve installed a puppet government in Iraq (that’s never worked for us when we’ve done it before), watched the country slip into civil war, and handed Saddam over to be hung on the eve of a Muslim holiday which will provide future insurgents with a handy holiday reminder in future years. And will no doubt drive the schism between Sunni and Shiite Muslims in
Iraq even further, to be echoed elsewhere throughout the Mid-east.

So, if our real objective, instead of finding Osama bin Laden, was instead to spend 5 years toppling a dictatorship that posed no threat to us for the reason that, in the end, the dictator committed genocide, then what does that say to the people of these other countries who have been living with the horror of genocide during that time in which the US has either aided and abetted the genocide or ignored it altogether? (See list below).

What this seems to say to the countries who have either tested their weapons of mass destruction, aimed at their enemies (N. Korea), or who already have them (much of the western world, India, Pakistan, China) is apparently: free pass – welcome to the mutually assured destruction club.

America’s global strategy, be it on perceived terror or otherwise national collaboration needs to be pulled from the state of tangled debris and deceit that it is in currently, or scrapped altogether, for one that is supported by logic and legality. How bout that for a 2007 New Year’s Resolution?

Currently at Genocide (Mass Killing) Stage:

Sudan – south, Nuba region
Sudan - Darfur
Democratic Republic of the Congo
North Korea
Baluchistan, Sind
Burma (Myanmar)

Sri Lanka

Uzbekistan Fergana Valley

Peoples Republic of China

Israel – Palestine

This list ©2006 Gregory H. Stanton, Genocide Watch

1 comment:

jkirlin said...

My policy as a tyrant has always been to commit MY genocide AWAY from sources of oil. It's served me well now for many years.