Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Free to a Good Home

I picked up a copy of the local town newspaper today. I normally don't do this, because the bias and opinions woven through the paper are thicker than a bamboo placemat. But today was worth a chuckle or two.

First, I had heard about these events, but never seen anything in writing about them. Now I know they really do exist. There are local singles dances every month. Each month has a theme: the next is Red, White and Blue; and the one after that is Western ("wear boots and a hat!"). That doesn't sound out of the ordinary (except that it's not for high school students). What is extraordinary about the monthly dances is where they are held.

(wait for it........)

The Humane Society Hall.

There are several directions I could go with this now......but the thoughts that keep popping into my mind are "Needs a Playmate: I am an adventurous, housebroken, well trained kitten! I have all my own claws, earn my own income, make my own bed, can cook, and have my very own truck. If you are looking to add a friendly girl to your life, stop by today!!" (paraphrased from an actual humane society adopt-a-cat ad)

In other news, there were apparently several traffic incidents. I had no idea how many occurred locally, but when every fender bender makes the paper, it seems like a lot. The most interesting one (albeit a fatality, I'm sorry to say) was a collision between an auto and an Amish buggy. Apparently it's not just auto drivers who tend to fall asleep at the wheel and fail to yield.

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